The Northeastern Adventist Academy Queens Campus, formerly the Linden Seventh-day Adventist School provides an educational environment of Christ-centered classes and activities that assist the home and the church in the development of responsible citizens for now and for eternity.
Vision Statement:
Building something better to achieve student-centric excellence.
Mission Statement:
Collaboratively building character through rigor and excellence.
Northeastern Adventist Academy is operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to provide a spiritually oriented education system for children. A belief in the existence of the Creator, God is fundamental in the philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist schools. We respect His divine authority and recognize His intervention in human affairs which will be manifested in academic excellence, social responsibility, moral maturity, and sound work ethics.
The school recognizes its responsibility to guide each student to develop a meaningful relationship with God, family, community and the government. We believe that true education develops the spiritual, mental, and physical powers of each student; preparing them for the joy of service in this life and for the higher joy of service in the life to come.
God is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, and each student is a child of God and a steward of this world. His goal is to utilize the skills of dedicated human beings in an effort to restore His image in His children. He desires a completeness which will be manifested in academic excellence, social responsibility, moral maturity, and sound work ethics.
As a subsidiary unit, Northeastern Adventist Academy operates in harmony with the guidance and directives of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Education Department. As an army of believers, our primary purpose is to work in harmony with our Creator as we unite to complete the Journey to Excellence.
School Belief:
Seventh-day Adventists have a unique set of beliefs. Children are taught to incorporate these beliefs into their lifestyles. The Linden SDA School (NAAQC) has been established to provide Christian education for students from grades one through eight. The school recognizes its responsibility to guide each student to develop a meaningful relationship with God, family, community and the government.
Central to its philosophy is a belief in God as the creator and Sustainer of the Universe, and the recognition of man as a child of God and a steward of this world. When sin entered the world man lost his perfection, was cast out of Eden and lost the privilege of face to face communication with God.
The school’s mission is in part redemptive. Through the means of Christian education it hopes “to restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created, to promote the development of body, mind, and soul, that the divine purpose in his creation might be realized” (Education, pp.15, 16).
Believing that God is the Source of all thorough knowledge and that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” (Proverbs 9:10) the Linden SDA School emphasizes the need to see the hand of God in all areas of study: in the humanities, because history is really His Story; in science, because all science speaks to Him who set in operation the laws governing our world. Faith is integrated with learning across the curriculum in fulfilling the mission to provide an educational environment of Christ-centered classes and activities that aid the home and church in developing genuine Seventh-day Adventist Christian youth.
The Linden Elementary School operates in harmony with the guidance and directives of the Office of Education, North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.